Financial Crime World

Preventing Money Laundering in Taiwan: Why Financial Institutions Must Take Action

The Growing Concern of Money Laundering in Taiwan

Money laundering has become a major concern for financial institutions in Taiwan, posing significant risks to their reputation and stability. In recent cases, money laundering has taken on various forms, including structuring, smurfing, and trade-based money laundering.

Common Methods Used by Launderers in Taiwan

Launderers in Taiwan have been using the following methods to evade detection:

  • Separating large sums of cash into smaller amounts to avoid reporting requirements
  • Using multiple individuals to deposit small amounts of illicit money
  • Misrepresenting the price or quantity of goods being imported or exported

The Consequences of Non-Compliance

Financial institutions that fail to implement effective anti-money laundering (AML) programs have been implicated in facilitating illegal activities, resulting in significant reputational damage.

What Financial Institutions Can Do

To mitigate these risks, financial institutions must adopt a comprehensive approach to AML compliance. This includes:

  • Risk assessment and management
  • Customer due diligence
  • Suspicious transaction monitoring and reporting
  • Ongoing staff training and education

Leveraging Technology Solutions

Financial institutions can further enhance their AML programs by leveraging cutting-edge technology solutions. Tookitaki’s Anti-Money Laundering Suite (AMLS), powered by the Anti-Financial Crime (AFC) Ecosystem, is an artificial intelligence-based solution that uses machine learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data, enabling financial institutions to identify and mitigate potential money laundering risks.

The Benefits of Using Tookitaki’s AMLS

By using Tookitaki’s AMLS, financial institutions can:

  • Strengthen their risk assessment and management
  • Improve customer due diligence
  • Enhance suspicious transaction monitoring and reporting
  • Reduce false positive rates


AML prevention is crucial for maintaining the integrity and stability of the financial system in Taiwan. Financial institutions must stay ahead of the latest trends and tactics used by criminals and continuously improve their AML programs. By adopting a comprehensive approach to AML compliance and leveraging innovative technology solutions like Tookitaki’s AMLS, financial institutions can protect themselves and their clients from financial crimes while reducing costs and streamlining their AML processes.