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Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) in Liechtenstein
Money Laundering
Investigation and Prosecution
- Most predicate offences have been committed abroad, triggering ML investigations through incoming MLA requests.
- Analysis of financial flows are essential parts of any ML investigation carried out in Liechtenstein.
- A lack of ML investigations/prosecutions targeting sophisticated ML schemes has been observed.
Risks and Threats
Identified Risks and Threats
- Risks and threats identified in the NRA mirror the typologies already observed in the country.
- Consistency between the types of ML activity being investigated and prosecuted with the country’s threats and risk profile and national AML/CFT policies has been attained, except for tax crimes committed abroad.
Confiscation of Proceeds
Policy Objective
- Confiscation of proceeds of crime is pursued as a policy objective.
- Introduction of a comprehensive legal framework and continuous strengthening of the capacities of LEAs and prosecutors to detect, seize/freeze and confiscate assets have contributed to this goal.
Terrorist Financing
Prosecution and Risk Assessment
- No TF prosecutions/convictions in Liechtenstein so far.
- The country has never received an MLA request from foreign counterparts in relation to terrorism or TF.
- A medium risk of TF was identified by the national TF risk assessment.
- Competent authorities are equipped with skills and knowledge on how to detect collection, movement and use of funds for TF purposes.