Headline: Financial Crime Experts Convene in Estonia for AMLConference 2019: Navigating the New Era of Anti-Money Laundering
The Estonian capital, Tallinn, played host to the sixth annual International Conference of the Estonian Banking Association (EBA), AMLConference 2019. This two-day event brought together financial crime experts, regulators, and industry leaders from around the world to discuss the latest trends and challenges in combating money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF).
Key Figures
- Two-day event
- Held on Tornimae Street 3
- Focused on newest frontiers in AML and CTF
- Exploring next-generation compliance and KYC/CDD practices
- Transformation of global payments
- Evolving implications for banking secrecy
Main Topics
- A New Vision of AML Tracking: The Role of States
- The Future of Settlement and Payment Business: Real-Time Risk Controls
- Transparency in the New Era: A Revolution with Unforeseen Consequences
- Media and the Impact of AML Cases: Balancing Public Value and Real-World Impact
I. A New Vision of AML Tracking: The Role of States
Leading Experts Discuss the Evolving Vision of AML Tracking
In the first panel, leading experts discussed the evolving vision of AML tracking and the role of states in the new era. The panel was moderated by Johannes Tralla, journalist at Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR). Speakers included:
- Marten Ross, Deputy Secretary-General for Financial Policy and External Relations, Ministry of Finance
- Kilvar Kessler, Chairman of Management Board of Estonian FSA
- Erki Kilu, Chairman of the Management Board of Estonian Banking Association
- Andres Parmas, Judge in the Criminal Chamber of Tallinn Circuit Court
II. The Future of Settlement and Payment Business: Real-Time Risk Controls
Insights into the Future of Banking & Payments
The second panel delved into the future of settlement and payment businesses and the real-time risk control systems required for their successful operation. Presenter Richard Johnson, Fintech Advisor, provided insights into “Open Banking and Beyond: the Future of Banking & Payments.” The discussion was moderated by Henrik Roonemaa, IT journalist at Geenius. Panelists included:
- Vytautas Valvonis, Director of Supervisory Service of the Bank of Lithuania
- Aivar Paul, Head of AML, LHV Pank
- Sandra Horma, Financial Crime Senior Lead at TransferWise
III. Transparency in the New Era: A Revolution with Unforeseen Consequences
Speakers Share Insights on the Risks and Challenges of Financial Transparency
The third panel focused on the importance of transparency in today’s complex financial landscape. Speakers Paul Keres, Sworn Advocate and Partner at Law Office Glikman Alvin Levine; Andro Kull, Cybersecurity Manager at Finesto Advisors and PECB Partner; Madis Reimand, Head of Estonian Financial Intelligence Unit; and Karmen Turk, Partner and Attorney-at-Law at TRINITI Law Firm, shared their insights on the risks and challenges of this new era. The panel was moderated by Mari-Liis Soot, Analysis Unit, Department of Criminal Policy, Ministry of Justice.
IV. Media and the Impact of AML Cases: Balancing Public Value and Real-World Impact
The Role of Media in Reporting on AML Cases
The final panel discussed the role of the media in reporting on AML cases in the context of public value and real-world impact. Presenters Joosep Varik, investigative journalist and former “Postimees” reporter; and Raul Rebane, Estonian journalist and communication consultant, provided their perspectives, while Sulev Vedler, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Eesti Ekspress, chaired the discussion.
Closing Remarks
The conference concluded with a keynote address from Yehuda Shaffer, Independent AML Consultant and former head of the Israel FIU. EBA Chairman Erki Kilu delivered the closing remarks emphasizing the importance of continuous collaboration and innovation in the fight against financial crime.