Financial Crime World

Argentina’s Financial Sector Faces Challenges in Combating Money Laundering


Argentina has been struggling with various challenges that have contributed to its difficulties in combating financial crimes, including money laundering and terrorist financing. The country’s geographical location, which makes it a hub for illicit activities from neighboring countries such as Venezuela, has been a significant factor.

The Tri-Border Area: A Hotspot for Financial Crimes

The Tri-Border Area (TBA), which links Argentina with Paraguay and Brazil, is considered one of the most critical points for money laundering, terrorist financing, drug trafficking, and other financial crimes.

Government Efforts to Improve Anti-Money Laundering Regulations

In recent years, the government has made efforts to improve its anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing regulations. However, according to a 2010 report by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Argentina still had work to do to meet international standards.

Challenges in the Financial Sector

Argentina’s financial sector is relatively small compared to other countries at a similar level of development. The banking and sustainability guarantee fund sectors dominate the market, while non-bank financial institutions, insurance companies, and mutual funds play a less significant role.

  • High Inflation Rates: High inflation rates have affected the financial sector, making it challenging for banks to maintain profitability.
  • Widening Gap between Official and Public Exchange Rates: The gap has created uncertainty in the market and made it difficult for financial institutions to operate efficiently.
  • Credit and Concentration Risk: Banks face credit and concentration risk due to their high exposure to a few large customers.

Regulatory Bodies’ Efforts to Enhance Anti-Money Laundering Regulations

Regulatory bodies, including the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina (BCRA) and the National Securities Commission (CNV), have taken steps to enhance anti-money laundering regulations. The FIU can flag suspicious transactions and reach out to the Attorney General’s Office for orders to freeze assets or seize documents related to money laundering and terrorist financing.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Financial institutions that fail to comply with anti-money laundering regulations face imprisonment and fines. Shufti Pro offers an all-in-one AML screening service powered by thousands of AI models, which helps financial businesses stay compliant while reducing the risk of sanctions and hefty fines.


Argentina’s financial sector faces challenges in combating money laundering and terrorist financing due to its geographical location, high inflation rates, and lack of regulatory enforcement. Despite these challenges, the banking sector has shown resilience, while regulatory bodies have made efforts to strengthen anti-money laundering regulations. Financial institutions can benefit from Shufti Pro’s AML screening services to stay compliant with regulatory obligations.