Financial Crime World

Aruba Strengthening Cybersecurity Efforts

As part of its commitment to ensuring the safety and social stability of the island, Aruba’s National Central Counterterrorism Intelligence Office (NCTVI) has made significant strides in institutionalizing cybersecurity as a key area of focus.

The NCTVI’s Cyber Division

Established in 2018, the NCTVI’s Cyber Division is responsible for:

  • Identifying and mitigating cyber threats
  • Developing policy and administrative reports on cybersecurity
  • Strengthening the resilience of vital interests against these threats

The division operates under the leadership of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and comprises IT specialists and employees.

Public-Private Partnership

In 2016, the Security Service Aruba, government entities, airport authorities, utilities companies, NGOs, and other stakeholders signed a letter of intent to form an alliance in cybersecurity. This partnership aims to:

  • Contribute to the protection of vital interests
  • Strengthen digital security on the island

National Cybersecurity Plan

The Minister of Justice established a working group by ministerial order in 2018 to develop a National Cyber Security Task Force, comprising public and private sector parties. The main goal is to develop the National Cyber Security Plan Aruba, which will focus on:

  • Strengthening cyber security
  • Safe use of IT
  • Developing cyber skills
  • Creating resilient vital sectors

Action Plan

The projected goals of the action plan include:

  • Developing a National Cyber Security Plan for Aruba
  • Strengthening cyber security on Aruba
  • Safe use of IT in Aruba
  • Further developing cyber skills through public-private partnerships
  • Resilient vital sectors
  • Adequate response to crisis and/or incidents

Guiding Principles

The guiding principles of the action plan emphasize:

  • An integrated approach
  • Partnership between the public and private sectors
  • Accountability for responsibilities

The public administration is responsible for public interests, while the private sector takes on accountability for their own responses.


Aruba is committed to developing strategies and policies on cybersecurity and crime. We are honored to be attending the regional conference for the Caribbean community and look forward to discussing these matters with participants to strengthen our competence in developing national strategies and policies and international partnerships in regard to cybercrime and cybersecurity.