Financial Crime World

National Cybersecurity Strategies: Indicators for International Cooperation


National cybersecurity strategies play a crucial role in maintaining stability and predictability in cyberspace. As countries strive to improve their cybersecurity capabilities, international cooperation becomes increasingly important. This article presents three indicators that assess a country’s commitment to international cybersecurity cooperation.

Indicator 1: Engagement in International Cybersecurity Fora

What is Measured

This indicator evaluates a country’s participation in international cybersecurity platforms, including:

  • Participating in discussions at the United Nations Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG)
  • Submitting statements or contributions to organizations like the African Union, ASEAN, OAS, or the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
  • Formalized engagement in cybersecurity-oriented organisations or fora and/or in an international organisation with a specific unit or format dedicated to cybersecurity


International cooperation is vital for reaching a high level of security for information and communication technologies (ICTs), enhancing international security and stability.


To demonstrate engagement, countries should provide evidence of:

  • Formalised membership in cybersecurity-oriented organisations or fora
  • Participation in international organizations with specific units or formats dedicated to cybersecurity
  • Documented contributions or statements made on behalf of the state

Indicator 2: Commitment to International Law in Cyberspace

What is Measured

This indicator assesses a country’s commitment to upholding the rules-based international order in cyberspace, including:

  • Its official position on the application of international law and human rights
  • Documented statements made on behalf of the state regarding international law in the context of the UN GGE or OEWG processes


International law forms the foundation for stability and predictability among states in cyberspace, reflecting common views of acceptable state behaviour.


To demonstrate commitment, countries should provide evidence of:

  • Documented official statements made on behalf of the state
  • Officially published domestic interpretations or statements made in response to breaches of international obligations

Indicator 3: Contribution to International Capacity Building in Cybersecurity

What is Measured

This indicator evaluates whether a country has led or supported cybersecurity capacity building for another country.


The ability of countries to share knowledge, best practices, and resources to enhance their cyber capabilities is crucial for improving global cybersecurity.


To demonstrate contribution, countries should provide evidence of:

  • Formalised agreements or partnerships with other countries to build cybersecurity capacity
  • Documented contributions or statements made on behalf of the state regarding international capacity building initiatives