Financial Crime World

The Role of Auditors in Detecting Financial Crime in Malta

Financial crime continues to evolve, making it essential for organisations to manage risks and prevent illicit activities. In Malta, where financial services are a significant sector, auditors play a crucial role in detecting financial crime.

Culture of Compliance

A culture of compliance is vital for any organisation seeking to mitigate financial crime risks. This starts with the tone from the top, as board members and senior management set an example for employees to follow. Having key performance indicators linked to compliance objectives also helps to instil a culture of compliance.

  • Key components:
    • Tone from the top
    • Linked KPIs to compliance objectives

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments are another crucial pillar in preventing financial crime. Each organisation is unique, with its own set of risks and exposures. Through risk assessments, senior management can identify, measure, and monitor these risks and develop policies and procedures to mitigate them.

  • Key components:
    • Identification of risks
    • Measurement of risks
    • Monitoring of risks
    • Development of policies and procedures

Internal Policies and Procedures

Internal policies, procedures, systems, and controls are the backbone of any effective financial crime compliance program. These must be clear, concise, and up-to-date, outlining the organisation’s approach to managing financial crime risks. Employees must also be trained to identify and report suspicious transactions and activities.

  • Key components:
    • Clear and concise policies
    • Up-to-date procedures
    • Employee training

Risk-Based Due Diligence

Risk-based due diligence is another key component in preventing financial crime. This involves assessing customers, counterparties, and assets for potential risks and developing procedures to manage those risks. Technological tools can also facilitate this process, making it more efficient and effective.

  • Key components:
    • Assessment of customers
    • Assessment of counterparties
    • Assessment of assets
    • Development of risk management procedures

Employee Training and Awareness

Employee training and awareness programs are essential in ensuring that employees have the knowledge and skills to identify and prevent financial crime. Continuous training is critical in keeping up with evolving trends and regulatory changes.

  • Key components:
    • Knowledge and skills for identifying financial crime
    • Continuous training
    • Keeping up with evolving trends and regulatory changes

Designated Compliance Function

A designated compliance function is also crucial in ensuring that organisations operate in line with applicable laws and regulations. Compliance officers must be independent and objective, advising management on how to operate in a compliant manner while still achieving business objectives.

  • Key components:
    • Independent and objective compliance officers
    • Advice on compliant operations

Internal Audits

Finally, internal audits are essential in testing the effectiveness of an organisation’s financial crime compliance program. Independent auditors should conduct regular assessments and testing to ensure that policies and procedures are being followed and that risks are being managed effectively.

  • Key components:
    • Regular assessments
    • Testing of policies and procedures
    • Effective risk management


In conclusion, auditors play a critical role in detecting financial crime in Malta. By instilling a culture of compliance, conducting risk assessments, developing robust internal controls, and providing employee training and awareness programs, organisations can reduce their exposure to financial crime risks. A dedicated management team, robust internal risk assessments, systems, policies, and procedures, and knowledgeable and competent employees are the key components to navigate safely through this ever-changing landscape.