Financial Crime World

Here is the article rewritten in markdown format with proper headings, subheadings, and bullet points:

Austria’s Performance on Tackling Organized Crime and Corruption


Austria is considered a low-risk country for money laundering and terrorism financing. However, there are still challenges that the country needs to address.

Low-Risk Country for Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing

  • The country has a well-trained and well-resourced law enforcement system that can counter organized crime without any political or external influence.
  • International cooperation among EU member states and other countries as well as internal security measures are supported by the internal security fund and the EU.
  • Austria is part of the Schengen agreement, but still maintains border controls and random checks at some borders with other Schengen states.

Challenges Facing Austria

Regulatory Environment for Businesses

  • The country’s regulatory environment for businesses is hindered by a large public sector and extensive bureaucracy, making it difficult for companies to operate efficiently.
  • There are instances of money laundering within the banking system and non-bank financial institutions and businesses.

Taxation System and Fiscal Position

  • Businesses have confidence in the government’s ability to protect property rights, but the taxation system does not incentivize work and investment initiatives.
  • The country’s fiscal position is relatively stable, but there are external risks such as weak global economic growth, bank exposure to Central and Eastern Europe, and political and economic uncertainties.

Social Protection

The Austrian government and non-state actors have made victim and witness support a priority. This includes:

Victim Support

  • The government has established a special protection residence permit for victims of human trafficking and modern slavery.
  • Several victim-support organizations assist victims in finding accommodation, employment, medical care, psychological counselling, and language courses.

Crime Prevention Strategies

The government has implemented various crime prevention strategies to reduce organized crime. These include:

National Anti-Trafficking Task Force

  • The government has established a national anti-trafficking task force to coordinate efforts in reducing human trafficking.
  • Efforts have been made to reduce demand for commercial sex and sex tourism.

Community and Consumer Awareness Programmes

  • Community and consumer awareness programmes are in place to reduce risks related to drug use and addiction, money-laundering, terrorism, and corruption.
  • Austria also targets crime prevention programmes at children and young people.

Challenges in Cybercrime Prevention

Austria faces challenges in cybercrime prevention. These include:

Structural Weaknesses

  • A recent cyber-attack has revealed structural weaknesses in Austria’s cyber robustness, resilience, and digitalization.
  • Provincial governments do not have insurance against cyber-attacks.

Note that some of the text was reorganized to better fit into headings and subheadings. I also reformatted the bullet points for easier reading.