Financial Crime World

Financial Crime Prevention Strategies in Azerbaijan Take Center Stage

Azerbaijan has been taking significant steps to prevent financial crimes, with a special focus on corruption and money laundering. The Council of Europe’s European Union Partnership for Good Governance (PGG) Programme recently launched a project aimed at strengthening institutional capacities and supporting the government in setting priorities in the fight against corruption.


The overall objective of the project is to contribute to democracy and the rule of law through the implementation of institutional reforms aimed at preventing and combating corruption. The project focuses on three key areas:

  • Prevention: Identifying and addressing potential sources of corruption, such as conflicts of interest among members of parliament.
  • Enforcement: Strengthening laws and regulations to prevent and punish corruption.
  • Strategic Actions: Developing strategies for effective implementation and monitoring of anti-corruption measures.

Prevention Initiatives

One of the project’s main initiatives is to prevent conflicts of interest among members of parliament in Azerbaijan. A recent workshop was held in Baku to discuss this issue, highlighting the importance of transparency and accountability in public service.

Project Team

The Council of Europe has a dedicated team working on the project, led by:

  • Head of Unit I Mustafa Ferati: Programme Co-ordinator Zahra Ahmadova
  • Project Co-ordinator Natia Jgenti: Based at the Council of Europe’s headquarters in Strasbourg.
  • Project Manager/Adviser Teodora Lukovic: Project Officer Firuza Jafarova: Leading the field office in Baku, providing support and coordination for the project.


The project’s goal is ambitious: to strengthen institutional capacities aimed at fighting and preventing corruption in the public sector. By focusing on prevention, enforcement, and strategic actions, Azerbaijan can take a significant step towards reducing financial crimes and promoting good governance.

Key Takeaways

  • The project aims to contribute to democracy and the rule of law through anti-corruption measures.
  • Prevention, enforcement, and strategic actions are key areas of focus for the project.
  • Strengthening institutional capacities is crucial for fighting corruption in Azerbaijan’s public sector.