Financial Crime World

Bhutan Seeks Whistleblower Protection Act to Combat Corruption

Bhutan is taking a bold step towards tackling corruption with the introduction of a Witness Protection Act to safeguard individuals who report corrupt activities. This initiative comes in response to the National Corruption Barometer Survey 2023, which highlighted growing public concern about corruption and the need for increased citizen engagement.

Current Challenges

  • Currently, there is no specific legal framework to protect whistleblowers, making it difficult for individuals to come forward.
  • Limited awareness about reporting channels further discourages potential whistleblowers.

The Need for a Whistleblower Protection Act

  • A robust whistleblower protection program can have a significant deterrent effect on combating corruption.
  • BTI Executive Director Dr. Rinzin Rinzin emphasizes the importance of a strong legal framework to ensure the safety and security of individuals who report corrupt activities.

BTI’s Vision for Bhutan

  • Dr. Rinzin Rinzin envisions Bhutan achieving a top-5 or 6 ranking in the global anti-corruption index within the next decade.
  • He believes that a strong whistleblower protection act, combined with efforts from the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Royal Bhutan Police (RBP) and other stakeholders, is crucial to achieving this goal.

Challenges and Opportunities

  • Implementing a whistleblower protection act comes with challenges, including ensuring its effectiveness and preventing potential misuse.
  • BTI acknowledges the need for collaboration between government, civil society organizations, and the public to ensure the successful implementation of the act.

Raising Awareness and Encouraging Participation

  • By raising awareness, fostering open dialogue, and encouraging active participation, Bhutan can create a conducive environment for individuals to come forward and report wrongdoing without fear of reprisal.
  • This will pave the way for a more just and equitable society, solidifying Bhutan’s position as a beacon of good governance in the region.


The BTI’s initiative for a Whistleblower Protection Act stands as a powerful testament to their unwavering commitment to building a corruption-free Bhutan. By advocating for this legislation and fostering an environment where individuals can safely report corruption, BTI strives to create a bright future for the country characterized by transparency and ethical principles.