Financial Management in the Royal Government of Bhutan
Chapter III: Financial Management
Procurement Management
Procurement management is a critical component of financial management that involves the planning, execution, and monitoring of procurement activities. The following are the key principles and steps involved in procurement management:
Principles of Procurement Management
- Achieve economy and efficiency in the procurement of goods and services.
- Ensure transparency, fairness, and competition in procurement procedures.
- Protect the rights of bidders and contractors.
- Safeguard Government assets and interests.
Budgeting is a critical component of financial management that involves the preparation of estimates of future revenues and expenditures. The following are the key principles and steps involved in budgeting:
Objectives of Budgeting
- Financial resources are allocated efficiently and effectively.
- Government programmes and activities are implemented in accordance with approved plans.
- Revenues and expenditures are matched to achieve fiscal sustainability.
Steps Involved in Budgeting
- Preparation of budget proposals by Agencies: Agencies submit their budget proposals for review and approval.
- Review and approval of budget proposals by MoF: The Ministry of Finance reviews and approves the budget proposals submitted by agencies.
- Consolidation of budget proposals into a national budget: The approved budget proposals are consolidated into a national budget.
- Approval of the national budget by the Government: The national budget is approved by the government.
Accounting is a systematic process for recording, classifying, and reporting financial transactions and events. The following are the key principles and steps involved in accounting:
Objectives of Accounting
- Provide accurate and reliable information on Government finances.
- Support decision-making by providing timely and relevant financial reports.
Steps Involved in Accounting
- Recording financial transactions and events: Financial transactions and events are recorded in a systematic manner.
- Classifying and reporting financial data: Financial data is classified and reported to provide useful information.
- Preparing financial statements, such as balance sheets and income statements: Financial statements are prepared to provide a comprehensive picture of the Government’s finances.