Bermuda Monetary Authority Quarterly Regulatory Update (July-September 2021)
International Activities
The Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) continued its efforts to promote global cooperation and information sharing in the financial services sector. Key highlights include:
- International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS): The BMA participated in several committees and working groups, including:
- Risk Trends and Methods Group (CRTMG): Co-lead of the Beneficial Ownership project
- FATF Recommendation 24 Working Group: Represented IAIS as an Observer organization
- Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF): The BMA co-led the Risk Trends and Methods Group (CRTMG) Beneficial Ownership project
- Sustainable Insurance Forum (SIF): Launched its Climate Training Alliance Portal for regulators during COP26
Domestic Activities
The BMA engaged with various domestic stakeholders, including:
- Financial Stability Board (FSB) Regional Consultative Group Americas: Participated in the Non-Bank Financial Intermediation Working Group
- Global Financial Innovation Network (GFIN): Elected into the Coordination Group, setting GFIN’s strategic vision and direction
Meetings and Presentations
The BMA hosted several meetings and presentations, including:
- Public Information Session: Supported the publication of its revised application paper for IAIS approval
- GFIN Annual Meeting: Presented insights on GFIN’s future and participated in a panel discussion moderated by the GFIN Chair
- Bilateral Meetings: Held with organizations such as:
- National Association of Insurance Commissioners
- Prudential Regulation Authority
The BMA remained active in regional and international regulatory forums, engaging with various stakeholders to advance common interests and share best practices.