Bolivia Steps Up Efforts to Combat Money Laundering and Drug Trafficking
The Bolivian government has made significant strides in recent years to combat money laundering and drug trafficking, focusing on international cooperation and coordination.
International Cooperation and Coordination
The Special Counternarcotics Force (FELCN), established in 1989, plays a key role in the fight against money laundering. Its financial analysis unit investigates the financial aspects of drug trafficking, working closely with specially assigned prosecutors to bring cases to court.
Interinstitutional Agreement
An interinstitutional agreement was signed by the Office of the Attorney General, the National Police, the FELCN, and the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) to enhance cooperation between law enforcement agencies. This agreement facilitates coordinated investigations and data sharing between agencies, with regular monthly meetings to ensure coordination.
Mutual Legal Assistance Agreements
Bolivia has mutual legal assistance agreements in place with other countries, allowing for requests to be transmitted through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship. In cases where there is no bilateral or multilateral treaty, requests are processed under the Código de Procedimiento Penal.
Extradition Laws
Bolivia has made progress in extradition laws, focusing on combating terrorism and organized crime. The country has an extradition treaty with the United States, allowing for the transfer of individuals wanted for offenses punishable by sentences of more than one year.
Confiscated Goods
Bolivia is working to share confiscated goods with other countries. While there is no specific provision in place, the government has signed international agreements aimed at combating money laundering and terrorism financing.
International Agreements
The country’s efforts were recognized in January 2002 when it signed the “International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism,” approved by the United Nations General Assembly in 1999. This convention requires countries to adopt measures to identify, detect, secure, confiscate or seize funds used or allocated for terrorist activities.
UN Security Council Resolutions
Bolivia has incorporated several UN Security Council Resolutions into its domestic legislation, including resolutions related to combating terrorism and organized crime.
These efforts demonstrate the Bolivian government’s commitment to combatting money laundering and drug trafficking, highlighting its willingness to work with international partners to achieve these goals.