Bolivia’s Fight Against Narcotics: Police Inquiry Units and International Cooperation
The Bolivian government has taken significant steps to combat the growing threat of narcotics trafficking in the country. One key component of this effort is the Special Counternarcotics Force (FELCN), a unit established in 1989 to investigate and prosecute drug-related crimes.
The Role of FELCN
- Conducting financial analysis and investigations into money laundering
- Working closely with specially assigned prosecutors
- Highlighted its importance in the fight against narcotics trafficking, carrying out 87 investigations involving assets in 2002
Enhancing Cooperation between Agencies
In [year], the Office of the Attorney General, National Police, FELCN, and Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) signed an interinstitutional agreement. This accord facilitates the exchange of data and enables law enforcement officials to obtain accurate information within the limits established by current legislation.
- The agreement created an interinstitutional operational working group that meets monthly to coordinate efforts
- Facilitates the exchange of data between agencies
- Enables law enforcement officials to obtain accurate information
International Cooperation
Bolivia has also strengthened its international cooperation in the fight against narcotics trafficking. Under the Código de Procedimiento Penal, the country is required to provide assistance to foreign authorities in investigations and extraditions related to drug trafficking.
- Signed various treaties and agreements with other countries, including the United States, to facilitate extradition and information sharing
- Ratified the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, which requires countries to adopt measures to identify, detect, secure, confiscate, or seize funds used to finance terrorist activities
Extradition and Asset Forfeiture
Bolivia’s laws permit extradition for drug-related offenses, but there are limitations. The country is restricted in its ability to extradite nationals for money laundering offenses without an international treaty or agreement.
- Signed a treaty with the United States that authorizes extradition for offenses punishable by sentences of more than one year
- Does not provide specific provisions for sharing confiscated goods with other countries
Terrorism Financing
In 2002, Bolivia signed the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, which requires countries to adopt measures to prevent the financing of terrorist activities.
- Incorporated United Nations Security Council Resolutions into its domestic legislation
- Working to implement measures to identify and seize funds used to finance terrorist activities
The Bolivian government’s efforts to combat narcotics trafficking and terrorism financing demonstrate its commitment to international cooperation and the rule of law. As the country continues to work with regional and global partners, it is likely that these initiatives will play a critical role in combating organized crime and protecting citizens from the threat of illegal activities.