Bolivia Takes Tough Stance on Corruption with New Law
LIMA, Peru - In an effort to combat widespread corruption, Bolivia’s government has passed a new law imposing harsher penalties on officials found guilty of embezzlement and money laundering.
The Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz Law
The law, named after a legendary left-wing fighter against dictatorship in the 1960s and 1970s, was passed earlier this year. It aims to combat corruption and its link to money laundering by setting jail sentences for government officials convicted of corruption between five and 20 years, with longer terms if linked to money laundering.
President Evo Morales’ Efforts
The move is part of President Evo Morales’ efforts to tackle corruption since taking office in January 2006. Bolivia’s government created an Anti-Corruption Ministry as a deputy ministry and later upgraded it around the same time that Ramírez’s case hit headlines.
“We have a very hard stance on corruption, from the president down,” said Institutional Transparency and Anti-Corruption Minister Nardi Suxo in an interview with Global Integrity. “If you are serving the Bolivian people and you steal one boliviano or 1 million bolivianos, it doesn’t matter - we’ll investigate and you’ll be prosecuted.”
International Reactions
The law has been praised by international bodies, but some critics have labeled it a “witch hunt” and accuse the government of using it to target political opponents. Former President Jorge “Tuto” Quiroga was recently found guilty of defaming a state-run bank in statements made after a bribery scandal.
Challenges Ahead
Despite progress, corruption remains rampant in Bolivia, with an estimated $800 million annually circulating through illegal activities such as smuggling and drug trafficking. Critics argue that the law may be too little, too late, and that more needs to be done to combat the deeply ingrained problem.
For Ramírez, who is still awaiting trial for alleged corruption and money laundering, the new law feels like a political instrument rather than a genuine attempt to tackle corruption. “I am not serving a fair judicial sentence, but rather a political one,” he said from his cell in San Pedro prison.
Government Challenges
The government acknowledges that it lacks funds and infrastructure to effectively fight money laundering, with controls in place but often feeling overwhelmed and under-resourced.
As Bolivia seeks to overcome its reputation as one of South America’s poorest countries, the fight against corruption and money laundering will be crucial. With an estimated $800 million annually circulating through illegal activities, the stakes are high.
The new law is a step forward in combating corruption in Bolivia, but it remains to be seen if it will be effective in tackling the deeply ingrained problem. The government’s efforts to tackle corruption and money laundering will be crucial in overcoming its reputation as one of South America’s poorest countries.