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BWI Training Programs for Occupational Health and Safety Management


BWI offers 12 comprehensive training programs aimed at enhancing Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management in Indonesia. These programs are designed to equip companies with the knowledge, skills, and expertise needed to create a safe and healthy working environment.

Mandatory Trainings

1. Certified General OSH Expert Training

Duration: 12 days (including 1 day of observation using video) This mandatory training is required by the Ministry of Manpower and covers the essential aspects of OHS management.

5. Certified OSH Fire Expert DCBA Training

Duration: 19 days (combining virtual and field practice) This certified and mandatory training equips participants with practical knowledge on addressing fire risks at workplace.

Virtual Trainings

2. Certified Hiperkes Training (paramedics)

Duration: 5 days This training improves knowledge and practical skills in implementing OHS aspects and values in addition to assisting company organizations in implementing OHS programs.

3. Certified HR Management System by BNSP for Compliance/Non HR

Duration: N/A This training is required by the Ministry of Manpower to impose mandatory competency certification for workers who occupy positions in the field of Human Resource Management.

4. Certified Labour Norm Expert Training

Duration: 5 days This virtual training encourages factories to understand and have the skill to support their company in implementing labour work based on Indonesian laws and regulations.

6. Certified Work Environment Expert

Duration: 7 days This training certifies K3 Work Environment Experts who can measure and control the work environment regulated in Ministerial Regulation No. 5 of 2018 concerning Occupational Health and Safety in the Work Environment.

8. Grievance Mechanism Training

Duration: Half-day (virtual) This training enables management and worker representatives to recognize the benefits of effective grievance mechanism at factory level.

9. Internal Audit System Training

Duration: One day (virtual) This training develops an effective internal audit system, how to conduct internal audit in factories, and monitor an effective document control system in the workplace.

10. Introduction to Labour Norm (KNK)

Duration: 3 days This virtual training introduces labour norms and ensures companies maintain compliance standards, including supporting labour inspection in implementing labour norm in factory level.

11. Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) Training

Duration: 5 days This virtual training develops an effective occupational health and safety management system in the workplace.

12. Risk Assessment Training

Duration: 2 days This virtual training enables participants to identify, assess, and control hazards in the work environment.

Promoting a Healthy and Safe Working Environment

These training programs are designed to support companies in Indonesia to improve their Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management systems, reduce workplace accidents, and promote a healthy and safe working environment for employees. By investing in these comprehensive trainings, companies can ensure a safer and healthier workforce while also meeting regulatory requirements.