Financial Crime World

Investigation Division Seeks Boost in Manpower, Planning, and Technology

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has launched a new initiative to enhance its investigative abilities and combat corruption and abuse of power. The Effective Investigation Management (EIM) model aims to streamline the investigation process by leveraging manpower, proper planning, and technological advancements.

Key Components of the EIM Model

  • Manpower Planning: Gantt charts are used to plan and schedule investigations effectively, ensuring that officers are utilized at the right times, reducing delays, and increasing efficiency.
  • Budgetary Planning: A realistic budget is in place to cover various expenses incurred during an investigation, including quick expenses that may arise unexpectedly. This allows investigators to make swift decisions without being hindered by financial constraints.

Emphasis on Technology

  • Information Sharing: The widespread use of handheld devices and other gadgets has made it essential to have the necessary tools and equipment to access and analyze data quickly and easily.
  • Specialized Skills: Corruption cases often require specialized skills and knowledge, which may not be readily available within the MACC. As such, the agency is working closely with industry members, experts, and other stakeholders to ensure that investigations are conducted effectively.

Team-Based Investigation

  • Collaboration: Regular updates and reporting sessions among team members allow for effective communication and problem-solving, ensuring that all officers involved in an investigation are aware of the latest developments.
  • Specialized Expertise: The EIM model recognizes the importance of team-based investigation and collaboration with other agencies to ensure that investigations are conducted effectively.


The EIM model has led to a range of outcomes being listed, including:

  • Advisory letters
  • Warning letters
  • Disciplinary reports
  • Forfeiture of assets
  • Deportation of foreigners
  • Referral to professional bodies or the Inland Revenue Board

These outcomes allow for punitive action to be taken against suspects, as well as departments and organizations that may be involved in corrupt activities.


The EIM model has numerous benefits, including:

  • Faster completion of investigation papers
  • Improved training and grooming of officers
  • Reduced complexity in cases
  • Enhanced evidence gathering and recording
  • A minimum recommendation for investigation outcomes

Ultimately, the EIM model aims to enhance the investigative abilities of MACC officials, ensuring that corruption cases are investigated effectively and perpetrators brought to justice.

Source: Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)