Financial Crime World

Indonesia’s OJK Issues New Regulation to Enhance Financial Crimes Investigation

Jakarta, August 24, 2023

The Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) has issued a new regulation aimed at strengthening the investigation of financial crimes in the country. The new regulation, known as POJK Penyidikan, replaces its predecessor and is designed to improve the authority’s ability to investigate and prosecute financial offenses.

Key Changes

  • Broader Powers for OJK Investigators: The new regulation grants OJK investigators broader powers to investigate criminal acts in the financial services sector, including banking, capital markets, insurance, and financing institutions.
  • New Categories of OJK Investigators: The regulation defines three categories of OJK investigators: Indonesian National Police officials, certain civil servant officials, and specific officials with special authorities.


The new regulation requires OJK investigators to:

  • Cooperate with the Indonesian National Police during investigations
  • Submit investigation outcomes to prosecutors for charging
  • Outline procedures for resolving violations against laws and regulations in the financial services sector, including:
    • Submission of requests by suspected criminals
    • Resolution of losses

Goals and Impact

The regulation aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of financial crimes investigations in Indonesia, which is expected to have a positive impact on:

  • Financial stability
  • Consumer protection

Collaboration with Stakeholders

The OJK will work closely with other stakeholders, including the Indonesian National Police and the Attorney General’s Office, to implement the new regulation and ensure its successful enforcement.

Contact Information

For more information, please contact Aman Santosa, Head of Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Communication Department at the OJK: