Financial Crime World

Mongolia: ADB’s Support for Deposit Insurance Establishment Boosts Financial Stability


Mongolia is prone to commodity boom-bust cycles, which have had a detrimental impact on financial stability in the country. To address this issue, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been providing technical assistance and policy advice to support the establishment of deposit insurance in Mongolia.

Strengthening Supervisory Capacity

The ADB’s efforts aimed at strengthening the supervisory and restructuring capacity of the Bank of Mongolia, enabling it to carry out effective monetary and foreign exchange policies. The bank also developed an effective public communication strategy within its Center for Public Education and Information.

Quote from Dr. Takeo Hori

“Mongolia is vulnerable to commodity price shocks, which can lead to financial instability,” said Dr. Takeo Hori, ADB’s Country Director for Mongolia. “Our support for deposit insurance establishment will help ensure the stability of the country’s financial system.”

Comprehensive Deposit Insurance Framework

The ADB has been working closely with the Mongolian government and other stakeholders to develop a comprehensive deposit insurance framework. The initiative aims to provide a safety net for depositors in case of bank failures, thereby promoting confidence in the banking system.

Benefits of Deposit Insurance

  • Provides a safety net for depositors in case of bank failures
  • Promotes confidence in the banking system

Financial Assistance and Trade Finance Program

In addition to its technical assistance, the ADB is also providing direct financial assistance to public sector and non-sovereign private sector projects in Mongolia’s finance sector. Since its inception, the ADB has approved over $1 billion in loans for four private sector projects in the country’s finance sector.

The ADB’s Trade Finance Program (TFP) is another initiative that aims to mobilize private sector capital by providing guarantees and loans through partner banks in support of trade. In Mongolia, the TFP works with two banks and has supported almost $200 million in trade involving over 4,000 transactions as of December last year.

Quote from Dr. Takeo Hori

“Private sector investment is crucial for Mongolia’s economic development,” said Dr. Hori. “Our initiatives aim to create an enabling environment that fosters private sector growth and stability.”

Impact on Mongolia’s Economy

The ADB’s support for deposit insurance establishment and its other finance sector initiatives are expected to have a positive impact on Mongolia’s economy, promoting financial stability and encouraging private sector investment.

Expected Outcomes

  • Improved financial stability in the country
  • Increased confidence in the banking system
  • Encouragement of private sector investment