Haiti Approves National Risk and Disaster Management Plan to Boost Resilience
A Crucial Step Towards Creating a More Resilient Region
Port-au-Prince, Haiti - The Government of Haiti has approved a comprehensive National Risk and Disaster Management Plan 2019-2030, marking a significant milestone in the country’s efforts to become more resilient and better prepared to face disasters.
Inclusive Development with a Focus on Resilience
The plan was developed through an inclusive and participative process, aiming to promote sustainable and inclusive development while adopting a resilient perspective in Haiti. This achievement is expected to contribute significantly to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030’s target E, which seeks to increase the number of countries with national and local disaster risk reduction strategies by 2020.
Implementing National Plans for Disaster Risk Reduction
Raul Salazar, Chief of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean (UNDRR), emphasized the importance of implementing national plans for disaster risk reduction in compliance with the Sendai Framework. “By following this path, we reinforce the importance of building resilient economies and increasing the vision of risk-based development in the region,” he said.
Addressing Multi-Risk Context
The plan is designed to address Haiti’s multi-risk and recurring context of natural disasters, exacerbated by climate change and multidimensional poverty. By adopting this document, Haiti is committed to strengthening its resilience collectively and inclusively, taking into account principles of gender equity and accountability.
Significance of the Plan’s Adoption
Bruno Lemarquis, Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti, highlighted the significance of the plan’s adoption, stating that it represents a unique opportunity for all partners to advance a preventive program in a coordinated manner.
Aligning with International Agreements
The strategic axes and institutional lines of action of the plan are aligned with the Sendai Framework, the Haiti Strategic Development Plan (HSDP), as well as treaties on climate change and the Caribbean Disaster Management Strategy. The implementation of the plan will involve both private and public sectors, with clear responsibilities and institutional mechanisms, and a monitoring and evaluation system at different stages.
Technical and Financial Support
The United Nations, particularly UNDP and UN-Women, provided technical support to the plan’s development, while USAID/OFDA and the World Bank provided financial assistance.
Key Takeaways:
- The National Risk and Disaster Management Plan 2019-2030 aims to promote sustainable and inclusive development while adopting a resilient perspective in Haiti.
- The plan was developed through an inclusive and participative process, involving both public and private sectors.
- The plan is aligned with international agreements such as the Sendai Framework, the Haiti Strategic Development Plan (HSDP), and treaties on climate change and the Caribbean Disaster Management Strategy.