Financial Crime World

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Preventing Financial Crime in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Vital Step Towards a More Transparent Economy

Illicit financial flows (IFFs) are a significant problem in the Western Balkans, with millions of euros circulating through the region every year. Despite government efforts to curb this type of crime, it persists.

The Impact of Illicit Financial Flows

  • IFFs are the mechanisms by which illegally earned money is laundered into and out of economies.
  • Each year, significant sums of money are drained from developing and transitioning economies.
  • Funds that could have been used to finance public services, investments, or create jobs are instead lost to criminal networks worldwide.

The consequences of IFFs are far-reaching, affecting not only individuals but also the broader society.

Staying Informed: Upcoming Webinar

To stimulate a conversation around key issues related to IFFs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia, a webinar will be held. The event will feature insights from experts on the topic from the focus countries as well as other specialists.

Join the Conversation

Register now for the webinar and join the conversation about preventing financial crime in Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond.

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