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Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Progress in EU Accession Process

Overview of Key Points

This report provides an overview of the progress made by Bosnia and Herzegovina in its EU accession process, as well as its preparation for membership. Here are some key points:

Migration and Asylum

  • Challenges: The country has failed to establish a sustainable migration and asylum system, leading to a humanitarian crisis in December 2020.
    • Temporary solutions: A temporary tent camp was established in Lipa, and a permanent multi-purpose reception centre is being built.

Economic Criteria

  • Limited Progress: Bosnia and Herzegovina has made limited progress in establishing a functioning market economy.
    • Measures to counter pandemic effects: The country has taken measures to counter the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy and labour market.
    • Areas for improvement: However, there have been no significant measures to improve the functioning of product markets, and cooperation among stakeholders has deteriorated.

Preparedness for Membership Obligations

  • Early Stage: Bosnia and Herzegovina is at an early stage in terms of capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces in the EU.
    • Alignment with EU acquis: The country needs to significantly step up alignment with the EU acquis and implement relevant legislation.

Key Areas of Progress and Challenges

  • Public Procurement
    • Backsliding: Bosnia and Herzegovina has been backsliding, applying preferential treatment for domestic bidders.
  • Statistics
    • Limited progress: Limited progress was made on preparation for the next population and housing census.
  • Internal Market
    • Major steps required: Major steps are required to align the legislative framework with EU acquis.
  • Agriculture and Rural Development
    • No progress: No progress was made in this area.

External Relations

  • Improved Alignment: Bosnia and Herzegovina is encouraged to improve its alignment with EU foreign policy statements and restrictive measures.

Key Dates in Accession Process

  • June 2003: The EU-Western Balkans Thessaloniki Summit confirms the EU perspective for the Western Balkans.
  • February 2016: Bosnia and Herzegovina submits its application for EU membership.
  • May 2019: The European Commission adopts its Opinion on the membership application of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The report emphasizes the need for Bosnia and Herzegovina to make significant progress in various areas in order to advance its accession process.