Financial Crime World

Bosnia and Herzegovina Urged to Strengthen Anti-Corruption Efforts Amid Political Blockages

The Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) has published a report calling on Bosnia and Herzegovina to overcome political obstacles hindering reforms aimed at preventing corruption among top officials.

Key Recommendations from the Report

  • Strengthen anti-corruption efforts, particularly among those with top executive functions, including:
    • Members of the Presidency
    • Ministers
    • Deputy Ministers
    • Law enforcement agencies such as the Border Police and State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA)
  • Adopt an operational corruption prevention action plan based on a risk assessment targeting persons with top executive functions
  • Include clear guidance on conflicts of interest and other integrity-related matters outlined in a code of conduct for persons with top executive functions
  • Provide the Agency for Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption (APIK) with adequate financial and human resources to perform its tasks effectively

The Need for Action

GRECO notes that there is a legal vacuum in terms of corruption prevention policies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The report highlights the need for Bosnia and Herzegovina to overcome political blockages hindering reforms aimed at preventing corruption among top officials.

Assessment and Implementation

GRECO will assess the implementation of these recommendations in 2024 through its compliance procedure. The report emphasizes the importance of addressing corruption among top officials to ensure a more transparent and accountable government in Bosnia and Herzegovina.