Financial Crime World

The Structure of the Financial System in Brazil


The Brazilian financial system is a complex network of regulatory bodies, supervisory authorities, and market participants that work together to maintain financial stability and ensure compliance with laws and regulations. This article provides an overview of the key components of the financial system in Brazil.

Regulatory Bodies

Regulatory bodies are responsible for setting rules and guidelines for the financial industry in Brazil. The following are some of the main regulatory bodies:

National Monetary Council (CMN)

  • Sets monetary policy guidelines
  • Regulates foreign exchange transactions

Central Bank of Brazil (BCB)

  • Supervises financial institutions, including banking groups, currency exchange banks, and other financial intermediaries
  • Regulates payment systems and settlements

Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM)

  • Regulates and supervises participants in the securities and derivatives markets, including investment funds and stock exchanges
  • Oversees initial public offerings (IPOs) and mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

Superintendence of Private Insurances (SUSEP)

  • Regulates and supervises insurance companies, private pension plans, and capitalization plans

National Council of Private Insurance (CNSP)

  • Sets guidelines for insurance companies and private pension plans

Supervisory Authorities

Supervisory authorities are responsible for monitoring the activities of financial institutions in Brazil. The following are some of the main supervisory authorities:

Central Bank of Brazil (BCB)

  • Supervises financial institutions, including banking groups, currency exchange banks, and other financial intermediaries
  • Regulates payment systems and settlements

Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM)

  • Regulates and supervises participants in the securities and derivatives markets, including investment funds and stock exchanges
  • Oversees initial public offerings (IPOs) and mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

Superintendence of Private Insurances (SUSEP)

  • Regulates and supervises insurance companies, private pension plans, and capitalization plans

Market Participants

Market participants are the entities that engage in financial transactions in Brazil. The following are some of the main market participants:

  • Financial institutions taking demand deposits (e.g., commercial banks)
  • Other financial institutions (e.g., credit unions, finance companies)
  • Currency exchange banks
  • Other financial intermediaries and administrators of third-party assets
  • Commodities and futures exchanges
  • Stock exchanges

Key Regulations

The following are some of the key regulations that govern the financial system in Brazil:

Code of Civil Procedure 2016

  • Aimed at modernizing the dispute resolution system

International Accounting Standards (IAS)

  • Adopted by the Federal Accounting Council (CFC) for financial statements preparation

Banking Law and Law 11941/2009

  • Govern banking activities in Brazil

Accounting and Auditing

The following are some of the key requirements related to accounting and auditing in Brazil:

  • Financial institutions are required to obtain an external auditor’s opinion on their financial statements.
  • Only audit firms registered with the CVM may audit financial statements of listed companies and financial institutions.
  • External auditors are subject to regulations issued by the CMN, BCB, CFC, and Ibracon.

Financial Stability

The following are some of the key measures related to financial stability in Brazil:

  • The CMN and BCB work together to maintain financial stability in Brazil.
  • The Financial Stability Committee (COMEF) coordinates efforts between regulatory bodies to address potential risks.