Financial Crime World

The Importance of Anti-Bribery and Corruption Measures for Financial Service Providers in Chile

Financial service providers (FSPs) play a crucial role in the economy of Chile, and as such, they must adhere to strict anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) measures to ensure their integrity and prevent illegal activities. In this article, we will discuss the key aspects of ABC measures that FSPs should implement to maintain their reputation and avoid potential legal consequences.

Key Aspects of Anti-Bribery and Corruption Measures


Proper training is essential for FSPs to educate their directors, administrators, and employees on ABC issues. The training program should be adapted to local realities and cover topics such as:

  • Recognizing red flags for bribery and corruption
  • Understanding the consequences of non-compliance with ABC measures
  • Identifying ways to prevent bribery and corruption

Third-Party Due Diligence

FSPs must conduct thorough due diligence on third parties, business associates, and intermediaries to ensure their integrity. This includes:

  • Verifying the identity and credentials of third-party representatives
  • Assessing their reputation and track record
  • Evaluating their compliance with ABC measures

Periodic Risk Assessment

Regular risk assessments are necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the compliance program and identify potential areas for improvement. FSPs should:

  • Conduct regular audits and reviews
  • Analyze data and trends related to bribery and corruption risks
  • Update the compliance program accordingly

Tone from the Top

Top management’s commitment to the ABC measures is crucial in setting the tone for the organization. FSPs should:

  • Communicate their commitment to ABC measures clearly and consistently
  • Lead by example, demonstrating personal integrity and ethics
  • Ensure that all employees understand the importance of ABC measures

Internal Investigations

FSPs must have a protocol in place for investigating allegations of bribery and corruption. This includes:

  • Establishing clear procedures for reporting and investigating incidents
  • Ensuring that investigations are thorough, impartial, and transparent
  • Taking prompt action to address any wrongdoing or potential risks

Chilean Laws and Regulations

FSPs in Chile must comply with the Corporate Criminal Liability Act, which attributes broad liability for acts carried out in the name, interest, or benefit of an undertaking. Additionally, FSPs are subject to various regulations that govern their interactions with high-level public officers.

Key Takeaways

To maintain their integrity and prevent bribery and corruption, FSPs in Chile should:

  • Provide specific training on ABC issues adapted to local realities
  • Conduct thorough third-party due diligence
  • Perform regular risk assessments
  • Communicate a strong tone from the top
  • Establish internal investigation protocols

By implementing these measures, FSPs can ensure their compliance with ABC laws and regulations, maintain their reputation, and avoid potential legal consequences.