Bulgaria Adopts Whistleblower Protection Laws to Combat Corruption and Financial Misdeeds
Sofia, Bulgaria - On May 4, 2023, Bulgaria will introduce a new Whistleblowing Act aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in both public and private sectors. The legislation aims to protect individuals who report or publicly disclose information about breaches of Bulgarian laws or European Union acts.
Key Provisions
- Companies with more than 249 employees must establish internal whistleblowing channels and procedures by May 4, 2023.
- Those with between 50 and 249 employees must comply by December 17, 2023. Failure to do so may result in financial sanctions.
- The law applies to reports or public disclosures of information about breaches in various areas, including:
- Public procurement
- Financial services
- Transport safety
- Environmental protection
- Consumer protection
- Respect for privacy and data protection
Who Can Report?
Anyone who becomes aware of a breach during their employment or official duties can report. This includes:
- Workers
- Employees
- Civil servants
- Freelancers
- Volunteers
- Interns
- Candidates for employment
Reports can be submitted in writing or orally through various channels, including:
- Telephone
- Personal meetings
Employer Responsibilities
- Establish internal reporting channels
- Provide clear information on the terms and conditions of reporting
- Designate one or more employees responsible for handling reports
- Set up records of breaches
Protection from Retaliation
The law prohibits any form of retaliation against whistleblowers, including:
- Suspension
- Dismissal
- Demotion
- Threats
- Attempts at intimidation
Any breach of this provision may result in severe consequences, including financial sanctions and reputational damage.
Seeking Guidance
To assist businesses and individuals navigate the complexities of the new Whistleblowing Act, legal experts are available to provide guidance on interpretation and application of the law. For more information, please contact office@kgmp-legal.com.