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Obtaining a Building Permit and Completing Inspections in Burkina Faso
Obtaining a building permit and completing necessary inspections can be a complex process in Burkina Faso. Here are the steps to follow:
Step 1: Land Survey (5 days, XOF 116,000)
A private surveyor conducts a land survey to ensure that the boundary of the land is correct.
Required Documents
- Application form with a FCFA 200 stamp fee
- Copy from the RCCM of the company’s status
- Legalized copy of the land title
- Demarcation plan
- Architectural study report established by a recognized architect
- Engineering report detailing construction requirements
Step 2: Obtain Building Permit at CEFAC (20 days, XOF 158,948)
The CEFAC Commission reviews the application package.
Required Documents
- Application form with a FCFA 200 stamp fee
- Copy from the RCCM of the company’s status
- Legalized copy of the land title
- Demarcation plan
- Architectural study report established by a recognized architect
- Engineering report detailing construction requirements
Step 3: Receive Excavation Inspection (15 days, XOF 9,871)
The Laboratoire National des Batiments et Travaux Publics Burkina- LNBTP laboratory subcontracts with a private laboratory to conduct weekly inspections.
Step 4: Receive Foundation Inspection (1 day, no charge)
The Laboratoire National des Batiments et Travaux Publics Burkina- LNBTP laboratory subcontracts with a private laboratory to conduct weekly inspections.
Step 5: Receive Concrete Work Inspection (1 day, no charge)
Similar to Step 4, this inspection is conducted by a subcontracted laboratory and takes place simultaneously with the previous procedures.
Step 6: Notify CEFAC of End of Construction and Request Certificate of Occupancy (1 day, no charge)
According to Decree N 2008-004/PRES/PM/MHU/MATD, dated January 10, 2008, it is mandatory for the owner or builder to inform the authority of the end of construction and request a certificate of occupancy.
Step 7: Receive Final Inspection from CEFAC (1 day, no charge)
Once the builder or owner has requested an occupancy permit, the technical department of CEFAC visits the construction to verify that it was built according to approved plans.
Step 8: Obtain Certificate of Conformity (20 days, XOF 41,000)
The issuance of the certificate of conformity is governed by Article 207 of Law No. 017/2006/AN of May 18, 2006 on the Code of Urbanism and Construction.
Step 9: Request Water Connection (1 day, no charge)
The Office National de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement (ONEA) handles water connections.