Challenges in Public Administration: Email Services, IT Infrastructure Management, and Data Security in Burkina Faso
The public administration sector in Burkina Faso faces significant challenges in providing reliable email services, managing IT infrastructure effectively, and ensuring data security. This excerpt from a research paper or thesis highlights the key findings, security risks, and recommendations to address these issues.
Main Findings
Unstable Email Services
- 85.1% of respondents reported that email services are unstable, leading to:
- Permanent non-availability of data
- Slowness in decision-making
- Economic losses
Non-Deactivated Email Accounts
- 85% of respondents recognized communicating with former public administration officials still using their email accounts, which poses a security risk.
Government Cloud Satisfaction
- 80.9% of respondents were not satisfied with the government cloud services due to availability issues.
IT Infrastructure Management
- 31.9% of respondents reported imprudent behavior and 34% reported not being worried about the usage of IT infrastructure, which can lead to security risks.
Security Risks
The improper use of system infrastructure poses a risk of security breaches, while human weaknesses such as:
- Exploitation of phishing emails
- Social network exploitation are direct causes of security incidents.
To address the challenges faced by public administration in Burkina Faso, we recommend:
- Improve email services stability and availability
- Develop a plan to deactivate former public administration officials’ email accounts
- Enhance government cloud services reliability
- Implement effective IT infrastructure management practices
- Educate employees on secure use of computer systems and networks
The study highlights the need for improved information system infrastructure and data security measures in the public administration sector of Burkina Faso to prevent security breaches and ensure efficient service delivery. By implementing these recommendations, the public administration can improve its email services, IT infrastructure management, and data security, ultimately enhancing the overall performance and efficiency of the sector.