Burkina Faso’s Fight Against Corruption Remains a Challenge
Despite efforts to enhance transparency and accountability, corruption remains a significant challenge in Burkina Faso. This article will explore the country’s struggle against corruption, highlighting both positive developments and ongoing challenges.
Transparency and Accountability in Public Procurement
In recent years, Burkina Faso has made efforts to improve transparency and accountability in its public procurement process. However, corruption remains a major obstacle. According to a report by the International Coalition for Sustainable Development (ICS), procurement officials are among those who frequently engage in corrupt practices.
- The report highlights that procurement procedures are not always respected, with some tenders lacking clear contract conditions.
- Data from Global Integrity shows that the percentage of tenders awarded without a tender increased from 14% in 2014 to 18.5% in 2015, indicating a decrease in transparency in public procurement.
Monitoring and Enforcement
The Autorité de Régulation de la Commande Publique (ARCOP) is responsible for monitoring the execution of all government contracts and ensuring transparency and fairness in the process. However, reports suggest that several public contracts have been awarded without a tender, but rather through mutual agreement.
Legislative Framework
Burkina Faso has established a legal anti-corruption framework, with the country’s Penal Code criminalizing corruption, embezzlement, abuse of office, extortion, and influence-peddling in the public sector. However, implementation is lacking.
Media Role in Fighting Corruption
The media plays a crucial role in fighting corruption, with Freedom House reporting that freedom of the press is largely respected in practice. The media experiences less political interference and restrictions since the regime transition in 2015.
Civil Society Organizations
Burkina Faso’s civil society organizations operate without government restriction, and the government is generally responsive to their views.
- World Bank & IFC: Doing Business 2017
- Global Integrity: Africa Indicators - Burkina Faso 2016
- Freedom House: Freedom of the Press - Burkina Faso 2016
- US Department of State: Investment Climate Statement - Burkina Faso 2016
- Bertlesmann Foundation: Transformation Index - Burkina Faso 2016
- Réseau National de Lutte Contre la Corruption (REN-LAC): Etat de la Corruption au Burkina Faso 2015