Financial Crime World

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2017 Asia-Pacific Group (APG) Mutual Evaluation Report on Cambodia’s Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Measures

The document you’ve shared appears to be the Executive Summary of the 2017 Asia-Pacific Group (APG) Mutual Evaluation Report on Cambodia’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF) measures. Here are some key points highlighted from the report:

Progress and Challenges

Cambodia has made significant progress in increasing its technical compliance with FATF standards since 2007, but still faces a range of challenges.

Key Findings

  • Cambodia has stronger results in investigating TF offences and activities
  • Moderate results have been achieved in risk assessment, policy setting, international cooperation, TF preventive measures, and financial sanctions
  • Low levels of effectiveness have been achieved in supervision, preventive measures, use of financial intelligence, ML investigation and prosecution, confiscation, and legal persons and arrangements

Assessment of Risks and Coordination

Cambodia demonstrates a mixed level of understanding of its ML/TF risks.

National Risk Assessment (NRA)

  • The NRA exercise completed in 2016 has some limitations
  • Not considering risks from credible sources such as research on threats and vulnerabilities, trends, and typology analyses

Financial Intelligence, Money Laundering, and Confiscation

There is minimal use of financial intelligence across competent authorities investigating ML/TF or predicate offences.

  • Cambodia’s legal system provides a broad set of powers for LEAs to investigate and prosecute ML offences
  • Effectiveness has not been demonstrated


The report highlights several areas where Cambodia needs to improve its AML/CFT measures, including:

  1. Enhancing the use of financial intelligence
  2. Improving coordination and cooperation between competent authorities
  3. Strengthening the legal framework for combating ML/TF
  4. Enhancing the effectiveness of LEAs in investigating and prosecuting ML offences

Overall, the report suggests that Cambodia has made progress in increasing its technical compliance with FATF standards but still faces significant challenges in implementing effective AML/CFT measures.