Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) System in the Central African Republic
The Central African Republic (CAR) faces significant challenges in its fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism. This article provides a summary of the key findings from an evaluation of the AML/CFT system in CAR, highlighting areas of strength and weakness.
Understanding Money Laundering/Financing of Terrorism Risks
Specific Observations on the AML/CFT System
- The understanding of ML/TF risks is diverse and still in its infancy among Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs), except for notaries.
- Most DNFBPs are unaware of their AML/CFT duties under the CEMAC Regulation.
- Implementation of AML/CFT measures is a vast undertaking.
Observations on Virtual Assets (VAs)
- The promotion of Law No. 22/001 governing crypto-currencies has not been accompanied by specific implementing measures to regulate VAs.
- ML/TF risks associated with VA activities remain unregulated and evade the AML/CFT system.
Control Functions
Shortcomings in Control and Supervision System
- There are shortcomings in the control and supervision system for financial institutions and DNFBPs.
- Supervisors of financial institutions carry out satisfactory due diligence, but the system for identifying beneficial owners is weak.
- No competent authorities have been designated to monitor non-compliance with AML/CFT obligations among DNFBPs.
Transparency Mechanisms
Shortcomings in Transparency Mechanisms
- There are shortcomings in the mechanisms for ensuring transparency of legal entities and arrangements in CAR.
- Information on beneficial owners is lacking, and checks on authenticity of information are inadequate.
- Access to information collected on legal entities and arrangements is limited.
Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) and Extradition
General Framework and Challenges
- The country has a suitable general legal framework for MLA and extradition.
- However, there is no centralized system for archiving and managing files.
- No international cooperation in matters of MLA and extradition has been requested or granted during the evaluation period.
General Situation and ML/TF Risks
CAR’s Security and Economic Challenges
- CAR faces major security and political challenges that have a significant impact on economic and social development.
- The country has experienced periods of political instability interspersed with episodes of armed conflict.
- A National Recovery and Peacebuilding Plan (RCPCA) aims to establish lasting peace and stability throughout the country.
ML/TF Risks in CAR
- CAR is exposed to various ML/TF risks, including misappropriation of public funds, illicit trafficking in precious stones and metals, drug trafficking, corruption, and human trafficking.
- The TF threat is characterized by the existence of armed groups on Central African territory.