Financial Crime World

Understanding Central Registers under the Wwft

Institutions, including banks, are required to maintain a central register as per the Wwft (Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren van terrorisme). This article will delve into the details of what can be inferred about these registers and which banks may be affected.

Key Features of Central Registers

The following points highlight some essential aspects of central registers:

  • Data Recording: The central register contains data recorded under Section 33 of the Wwft.
  • Search Functionality: The register is designed to allow searches by name and number or code key.
  • Access Control: An administrator manages the central register, with access granted to the Compliance department.

Affected Banks and Bank Branches

Although the provided text does not specify which banks must maintain a central register, based on general knowledge, some of the Dutch banks that may be required to do so include:

  • ING Group
  • Rabobank
  • SNS Bank
  • Triodos Bank

Please note that this is an incomplete list and does not imply that these banks are specifically mentioned in the provided text.