Financial Crime World

Chad Continues to Focus on Counter Terrorism Efforts Despite Financial Crisis


The Government of Chad has prioritized counterterrorism efforts in 2017 despite facing a worsening financial crisis that has limited its ability to meet basic financial commitments.

Military Support for Regional Counterterrorism Efforts

  • Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF): Chad provided approximately 2,000 combat forces to the MNJTF, which also includes Benin, Cameroon, Niger, and Nigeria.
  • Operation Barkhane: Chad has continued to host France’s integrated counterterrorism mission for the Sahel region.
  • UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA): Chad had 1,450 soldiers supporting MINUSMA at year’s end.

Domestic Counterterrorism Efforts

  • Penal Code Update: The Government of Chad updated its Penal Code in April 2017, increasing penalties for lesser terrorist offenses to life imprisonment.
  • Law Enforcement Capacity: Chadian law enforcement units displayed basic command and control capacity, but there were reports of arbitrary and unlawful killings, including by torture, and impunity was an issue.

Border Security Measures

  • Screenings at Border-Crossings: The Chadian government has instituted screenings at border-crossings to prevent infiltration by members of Boko Haram, ISIS-West Africa (ISIS-WA), and Central African militias.
  • Border Patrols: Border patrols were provided by a combination of border security officials, gendarmes, police, and military.

International Cooperation

  • Task Force on Money Laundering in Central Africa: Chad is a member of the Task Force on Money Laundering in Central Africa.
  • Egmont Group: Chad’s financial intelligence unit, the National Agency for Financial Investigation (ANIF), is a member of the Egmont Group.

Strategy and Action Plan to Counter Violent Extremism

  • National Strategy and Action Plan: The Government of Chad adopted a national strategy and action plan to “Counter Violent Extremism and Radicalization” in December 2017.
  • CVE Program: USAID committed to a multi-year CVE program.