Financial Crime World

Chad’s Golden Hubs of Illicit Activity

A Hotbed of Criminal Activity in Northern Chad

N’DJAMENA, Chad - The vast goldmining areas of northern Chad have become key logistical hubs for a plethora of illicit activities, including drug trafficking, fuel smuggling, and organized crime. Despite the dangers associated with these illegal endeavors, they also provide crucial employment opportunities in an area where alternative livelihoods are scarce.

High Levels of Violence and Corruption

However, the levels of violence linked to these activities are alarmingly high, largely due to recurrent clashes between local armed groups and military forces vying for control over the goldfields. The government’s response to these issues has been lacking, with limited transparency and oversight mechanisms in place. Corruption is rampant, and public administrations have failed to take responsibility for the extent of transnational organized crime (TOC).

Illicit Activities in Chad

  • Fuel Smuggling: The region is a key transit point for fuel smuggled from neighboring countries.
  • Drug Trafficking: Heroin and cocaine trafficked from neighboring countries are also a significant concern.
  • Cannabis Production and Trafficking: Cannabis production and trafficking are rampant along Chad’s southern borders, while Tramadol consumption has become a growing concern among artisanal miners who use the drug to enhance their productivity.

Challenges in Combating TOC

Despite efforts to promote international cooperation in combating TOC, domestic legal frameworks aimed at countering organized crime are yet to be effectively implemented. Traditional practices often give legitimacy to certain illegal activities, and the country’s criminal justice system lacks specialized units focused on organized crime. Law enforcement remains limited in many areas.

Impact on Victims

As Chad struggles to balance its economic and financial environment with the fight against organized crime, victim and witness support remains limited, and preventive measures are weak. Civil society groups have attempted to fill this gap, but their efforts are often geographically restricted.


In this special report, we explore the complex dynamics driving Chad’s illicit economy, the challenges facing the government in its efforts to combat organized crime, and the impact on victims of these illegal activities.