Financial Crime World

São Tomé and Príncipe’s Struggle with Organized Crime

Key Issues

  • Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea: The country is vulnerable to piracy, a threat that can have devastating consequences for the economy and citizens.
  • Foreign Criminal Actors: Foreign criminal groups engage in drug trafficking, exploiting São Tomé and Príncipe’s vulnerabilities.
  • Corruption within Government and Judiciary: Corruption exacerbates existing issues, undermining efforts to combat organized crime.


  • Upholding Civil Liberties: The country has a relatively positive track-record for maintaining democratic norms and civil liberties.
  • Government’s Commitment to Combating Organized Crime: São Tomé and Príncipe has demonstrated some political will to address the issue.
  • International Cooperation: The government has ratified most relevant international treaties concerning transnational organized crime.


  • Corruption within Judiciary: Corruption within the judiciary can significantly impact law enforcement’s effectiveness.
  • Economic Vulnerability: São Tomé and Príncipe’s isolated economy makes it difficult to respond to organized crime threats.
  • Limited Funding for NGOs: The lack of funding hampers NGOs’ ability to operate effectively in combating organized crime.
  • Restrictions on the Media Sector: The limited size of the media sector contributes to self-censorship, hindering efforts to expose and combat organized crime.


While São Tomé and Príncipe faces numerous challenges related to organized crime, the country also has some strengths. These include a positive track-record for upholding civil liberties and democratic norms, as well as a government that has demonstrated some commitment to combating organized crime. Addressing these challenges will be crucial in mitigating the impact of organized crime on São Tomé and Príncipe’s citizens.