Financial Crime World

Egyptian Financial Institutions Must Combat Money Laundering to Safeguard Integrity

In order to safeguard the integrity of Egypt’s financial system, it is crucial for financial institutions to take concrete measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

The Challenges Faced by Egypt

According to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Egypt faces significant challenges in tackling these issues, driven by illicit funds generated through corruption, drug trafficking, and organized crime.

Role of Central Bank of Egypt

The Central Bank of Egypt plays a crucial role in combating money laundering, ensuring that financial institutions comply with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. Several laws and regulations are in place to combat money laundering, including Law No. 80 of 2002 on Combating Money Laundering and its amendments.

Measures to Ensure Compliance

To ensure compliance with AML regulations, financial institutions must implement measures such as:

  • Customer due diligence
  • Screening
  • Risk-based approach
  • Transaction monitoring

Financial institutions must also establish risk-based policies, procedures, and controls to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.

Implementing Effective AML Programs

Financial institutions can play a crucial role in combating money laundering by implementing effective AML programs. This includes:

  • Developing and implementing policies and procedures for customer due diligence, transaction monitoring, and suspicious activity reporting
  • Adopting best practices for preventing and detecting money laundering, including:
    • Ongoing monitoring of customer activity
    • Staff training and awareness
    • Conducting risk assessments
    • Enhanced due diligence for high-risk customers and transactions

Technology’s Role in AML Programs

Technology can also play a vital role in AML programs, enabling financial institutions to identify suspicious activity more quickly and accurately. Advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning can help financial institutions automate compliance processes, making them more efficient and cost-effective.

A Leading Solution Provider in Egypt

In Egypt, Tookitaki is a leading provider of AML solutions that can help financial institutions enhance their compliance with AML regulations. The company’s Anti-Money Laundering Suite (AMLS) and Anti-Financial Crime (AFC) Ecosystem work together to address the shortcomings of siloed systems in the fight against money laundering.


By adopting these practices, financial institutions can play a critical role in combatting money laundering in Egypt and promoting a more transparent and sustainable financial system.