Compliance Function Must Evolve to Meet Changing Regulatory Landscape
In today’s increasingly complex regulatory environment, banks must transform their compliance functions to stay ahead of the curve. The compliance function is no longer just about checking boxes and meeting minimum requirements, but rather a critical component of a bank’s risk management strategy.
Key Principles for Effective Compliance
The report highlights three key principles that financial institutions must adopt to ensure effective compliance:
- Integrate Compliance into Risk Management: Banks must develop a single integrated inventory of operational and compliance risks, and coordinate risk assessment, remediation, and reporting methodologies.
- Focus on Outcomes That Matter: The compliance function should focus on delivering outcomes that matter, such as reducing risk, improving customer experience, and increasing efficiency.
- Measure Progress Effectively: Banks must develop a scorecard to measure progress against desired outcomes, including demonstrated focus on the role of compliance, integrated view of market risks, and clear tone from the top.
Organizational Structure and Placement
The report also highlights the need for banks to consider changes to their organizational structure and placement of the compliance function. Migration of compliance to risk organization is a recent trend among global banks, which reinforces the view of compliance as a risk similar to operational risk and as a control rather than advisory function.
Measuring Progress: A 10-Point Scorecard
To measure progress on this journey, the report suggests applying a 10-point scorecard that includes:
- Demonstrated focus on the role of compliance
- Integrated view of market risks with operational risk
- Clear tone from the top and strong risk culture
- Risk ownership and independent challenge by compliance
- Compliance operating model with shared horizontal coverage
- Comprehensive inventory of laws, rules, and regulations
- Use of quantitative metrics and specific qualitative risk markers
- Compliance management-information systems providing an integrated view of risks
- Evidence of the first line of defense taking action
- Adequate talent and capabilities to tackle key risk areas
Competitive Advantage
Banks that successfully transform their compliance function will enjoy a distinctive source of competitive advantage in the foreseeable future, being able to deliver better service, reduce structural cost, and significantly de-risk their operations.
Regulatory compliance has undoubtedly affected banks in challenging ways, but by implementing targeted changes to its operating model and processes, banks can deliver a better quality of oversight while increasing efficiency.