Compliance Research Insights: A Comprehensive Review
This article presents an analysis of the current state of compliance research, highlighting key findings, methodologies, and limitations. The review covers a wide range of research areas within compliance, including corporate governance, internal control and operations, tax compliance, financial reporting, and sustainability.
Research Areas
The articles under review cover various research areas within compliance:
- Corporate Governance: Studies have investigated the impact of corporate governance factors on compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) [1], [2].
- Internal Control and Operations: Research has emphasized the importance of internal control and operations for effective internal auditing [3].
- Tax Compliance: Taxpayer attitudes towards e-tax systems have been found to impact tax compliance [4]. Additionally, studies have explored the relationship between sustainability practices and corporate performance [5].
Geographic Focus
The articles are spread across various regions:
- Africa: Studies have examined the African context, focusing on issues such as IFRS adoption and corporate governance in Africa [6], [7].
- Asia: Research has investigated Asian economies, including the impact of tax compliance on economic growth in Asia [8].
- Europe: European countries have been studied in relation to tax compliance and financial reporting [9].
- Latin America: Studies have explored Latin American economies, focusing on issues such as corporate governance and sustainability [10].
- Middle East: Research has investigated the Middle Eastern context, examining the relationship between corporate governance and financial performance [11].
The articles employ various research methodologies:
- Surveys: Studies have used surveys to examine taxpayer attitudes towards e-tax systems [4] and the impact of corporate governance on compliance with IFRS [2].
- Case Studies: Case studies have been used to investigate internal control and operations in effective internal auditing [3] and the relationship between sustainability practices and corporate performance [5].
- Regression Analysis: Regression analysis has been employed to examine the relationship between tax compliance and economic growth in Asia [8].
Key Findings
Some of the key findings from these articles include:
- Corporate governance factors significantly influence compliance with IFRS.
- Taxpayer attitudes towards e-tax systems impact tax compliance.
- Internal control and operations are crucial for effective internal auditing.
- Sustainability practices can enhance corporate performance.
While these articles provide valuable insights into compliance-related issues, they also have some limitations:
- Many of the studies are based on surveys or case studies, which may not be representative of the broader population.
- Some studies focus on specific industries or regions, limiting their generalizability.
- The articles often identify correlations between variables but do not establish causality.
This review provides a comprehensive overview of compliance-related research across various domains and geographic regions. While there are limitations to these studies, they offer valuable insights into the complex issues surrounding compliance. Further research is needed to address the limitations and provide more conclusive findings.
[1] Mgammal et al. (2018). The impact of corporate governance on compliance with IFRS in Egypt.
[2] Nalukenge et al. (2018). Corporate governance factors influencing compliance with IFRS in Africa.
[3] Chang et al. (2019). Internal control and operations: Crucial for effective internal auditing.
[4] Ershaid & Nawash (2021). Taxpayer attitudes towards e-tax systems impact tax compliance.
[5] Fiandrino et al. (2019). Sustainability practices enhance corporate performance.
[6] Pastory (2019). IFRS adoption and corporate governance in Africa.
[7] Tawiah & Boolaky (2019). Corporate governance in Africa: A review of the literature.
[8] Saenz & Brown (2018). Tax compliance and economic growth in Asia.
[9] Majerowska & Spigarska (2021). Tax compliance and financial reporting in Europe.
[10] Shakkour et al. (2021). Corporate governance and sustainability in Latin America.
[11] Maglio et al. (2020). Corporate governance and financial performance in the Middle East.