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Georgia Employees Required to Complete Annual Compliance Training by November 30

The University System of Georgia has mandated that all employees complete their annual compliance training by November 30. The Georgia College & State University Office of Human Resources is responsible for ensuring that this requirement is met.

What is Covered in the Training?

The training consists of two modules:

  • Policy Compliance and Ethics Refresher: This module covers institutional and system policies and procedures, as well as ethics refresher training.
  • Motor Vehicle Use Program: This module is required for employees who drive on university business.

All employees, including student workers hired prior to November 1st, 2022, must complete the policy compliance refresher module and pass a quiz. Employees who drive on university business must also complete the motor vehicle use program module.

How to Access the Training

To access the training, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Unify at
  2. Click on GeorgiaVIEW.
  3. Follow the instructions on the “Course Home” screen to complete the modules.

Confirming Completion and Printing Training Record

Once you have completed the training, you can:

  • Confirm completion by clicking on “Grades” on the top menu bar.
  • Print a copy of your training record for your records.

Deadline and Support

The deadline for completing the training is November 30th. If you encounter any issues with logging into Unify, please contact AskIT at or 478-445-7378.

If you need more information about the training, please contact Kelly Beall in the Office of Human Resources at or 478-445-8573.