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Conducting Internal Investigations in Peru: Best Practices and Procedures


When dealing with sensitive issues within a company, it’s essential to navigate internal investigations correctly. In Peru, companies must follow specific procedures to ensure that their investigations are thorough, fair, and compliant with local laws. This article outlines the recommended steps for initiating an internal investigation in Peru.

Preparation is Key: Defining Investigatory Scope

Before commencing an internal investigation, it’s common practice in Peru to prepare a document setting out terms of reference or investigatory scope. This document should clearly outline:

  • The purpose and objectives of the investigation
  • The specific issues being investigated
  • The procedures to be followed during the investigation
  • The expected outcomes and deliverables

Having a well-defined investigatory scope helps ensure that the investigation stays focused, efficient, and effective.

Addressing Issues Before Authorities Become Involved

If an issue comes to light prior to authorities becoming aware, companies in Peru should take immediate action. Here are some recommended internal steps:

  • Notify relevant stakeholders: Inform HR, management, and other affected parties about the issue.
  • Gather information: Collect evidence, interview witnesses, and document findings.
  • Conduct a preliminary assessment: Determine the scope of the issue and potential consequences.

By taking proactive steps, companies can minimize risks, prevent further issues from arising, and demonstrate their commitment to transparency and accountability.

When conducting internal investigations in Peru, companies should follow these recommended procedures:

  • Establish a clear chain of command: Define roles and responsibilities within the investigation team.
  • Ensure investigator independence: Choose investigators who are impartial and experienced in handling sensitive matters.
  • Maintain confidentiality: Protect the integrity of the investigation by keeping it confidential.
  • Document everything: Record all findings, interviews, and evidence gathered during the investigation.

By following these best practices and procedures, companies in Peru can conduct internal investigations that are thorough, fair, and compliant with local laws.