Financial Crime World

Ivory Trafficking and Poaching Widespread in Congo’s Northern Parks

The Republic of the Congo Struggles to Combat Wildlife Crime

KINSHASA, CONGO - The Republic of the Congo is facing a significant challenge in combating ivory trafficking and poaching in its northern parks and protected areas. Foreign actors from neighboring countries are playing a major role in these illegal activities.

Chinese Companies Involved in Illegal Activities

According to sources, Chinese companies are reportedly involved in:

  • IUU (Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated) fishing
  • Illicit logging
  • Ivory trafficking

These activities are not only harming the country’s wildlife but also damaging its economy.

Human Trafficking Networks Operating in Congo

West and Central African foreign actors are allegedly involved in human trafficking networks operating in Congo. The country’s judiciary is plagued by corruption and political interference, which makes it difficult to prosecute these cases.

Capacity Issues Hamper Efforts to Combat Wildlife Crime

Congo’s capacity to monitor its land and sea borders is low due to rampant corruption in state security agencies. Smuggling of contraband and wildlife between Congo and neighboring countries is common, with poached wildlife often trafficked out of the country to other nations.

Economic Crisis Exacerbates Situation

The country’s economic crisis is further exacerbating the situation. Dropping oil prices have limited the government’s spending ability, leaving civil servants without regular pay. The lack of weak economic regulatory protections has also led to:

  • Strikes by teachers, nurses, and doctors
  • A general decline in living standards

Inadequate Response from Government

Despite efforts to aid trafficking victims, the government remains criticized for its inadequate response to human trafficking and wildlife trafficking.

Civil Society Organizations Face Challenges

Civil society organizations in Congo are extremely weak and focus solely on public-sector corruption. Activists often face intimidation and threats.

Political Environment Complicates Situation

The country’s corrupt political environment is further complicating the situation. The president’s nephew has been indicted in France on money laundering charges, and the government has been accused of using anti-terrorist legislation to crack down on opposition groups and civil society organizations.

International Organizations Call for Increased Cooperation

As the Congo government struggles to address these issues, international organizations are calling for increased cooperation and support to combat organized crime and protect human rights in the country.