Brunei Darussalam’s Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) System
Overview of Brunei Darussalam’s Central Authority for MLA Matters
- The Central Authority for MLA matters in Brunei Darussalam is the Attorney General.
- The Attorney General can request assistance from foreign countries to enforce confiscation or forfeiture orders, benefit recovery orders, or restraining orders against property located in that country.
Requesting and Receiving Mutual Legal Assistance from Foreign Countries
- A foreign country can also request Brunei Darussalam’s Central Authority for MLA assistance to locate property believed to be tainted property.
- The Attorney General is responsible for transmitting and receiving requests for assistance through the MLA Secretariat, established in 2005.
Authorized Officers and Institutional Framework
- Authorized officers who execute actions required following an MLA request are officials appointed by legislation or the Minister.
- The MLA Secretariat assists the Attorney General in discharging his responsibilities.
- There may be difficulties with procedures involved in executing a request, but further details are not provided.
Context and Purpose of the Document
- This chapter or section appears to be from a larger document on MLA cooperation and challenges.
- The content is technical and detailed, suggesting it is intended for an audience familiar with international cooperation and law enforcement procedures.