Chad’s Anti-Corruption Efforts Under Scrutiny
N’DJAMENA, Chad - A new report by the Organisation Tchadienne Anti-Corruption (OTAC) sheds light on the country’s struggles to implement anti-corruption measures. Despite efforts to establish a robust framework, corruption remains widespread in Chad.
Weak Enforcement of Codes of Conduct
Chad’s laws require civil servants promoted to high office to declare their assets at the beginning and end of their term. However, enforcement is weak, and conflicts of interest are common among public officials. Senior officials often own businesses that benefit from public contracts, and asset declarations are not made publicly available.
Whistleblower Protection Non-Existent
The country lacks a formal written policy to protect whistleblowers, leading to a culture of fear and intimidation. Those who report misconduct are often subject to threats and prosecution.
Public Procurement Process Flawed
Decree No. 2417/PR/PM/2015 on Public Procurement aims to ensure transparency in public contracting. However, the awarding of contracts is often done through mutual agreement rather than a competitive process.
Limited Access to Information and Civil Society Participation
Government departments frequently refuse to release information, citing sensitivity concerns. Civil society organizations face numerous obstacles, including restrictive anti-terrorism laws, making it difficult for them to interact with the government.
International Cooperation Crucial
Chad has established several bodies dedicated to economic and financial investigations, as well as a branch of INTERPOL. However, more needs to be done to enhance international cooperation on asset recovery and confiscation.
The OTAC report offers several recommendations to improve Chad’s anti-corruption efforts:
- Strengthen interactions between the government and civil society organizations.
- Adopt a code of conduct for the civil service to minimize corruption risk.
- Promote transparency in public finance management.
- Apply anti-corruption provisions without restriction.
- Improve access to public services and combat corruption in both public and private sectors.
The report emphasizes the need for Chad to strengthen its anti-corruption efforts to promote a more transparent, accountable, and equitable society.