Financial Crime World

Corruption Plagues Palestine as Occupation Continues

Despite recent efforts to combat corruption, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) faces significant challenges in its fight against graft. The ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory, particularly Jerusalem, continues to hinder anti-corruption efforts.

Combating Corruption Efforts

To tackle corruption, the PNA has joined the Arab Convention against Corruption and acceded to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). Additionally, the country enjoys strong relationships with Arab and international anti-corruption agencies, which provide crucial support to Palestinian anti-corruption efforts.

Challenges in Anti-Corruption Efforts

However, internal divisions within the Palestinian government and a lack of coordination in extraditing criminals and recovering stolen assets hinder progress. Moreover, low community awareness of corruption and an unwillingness to report corrupt activities further exacerbate the problem.

Key Stakeholders in Anti-Corruption Strategy

The PNA’s anti-corruption strategy, which focuses on prevention, law enforcement, awareness-raising, education, training, and international cooperation, has identified several key stakeholders in its implementation. These include:

  • Judiciary
  • Legislative council
  • Executive authority
  • Public prosecution department
  • State audit and administrative control bureau
  • Civil society organizations
  • Media
  • Educational institutions
  • Private sector
  • Cooperative societies

Focus Areas of Anti-Corruption Strategy

The strategy’s four focus areas are:

  • Prevention of corruption
  • Law enforcement and prosecution
  • Awareness-raising, education, training, and community participation
  • International cooperation

Prevention is a key area, with efforts underway to develop sectoral and institutional preventive procedures and measures to eliminate corruption in all its forms.

Challenges Remaining

Despite these efforts, challenges remain. The country’s public procurement system has yet to be fully upgraded, with some institutions still using outdated laws. Internal oversight within state institutions also requires further strengthening, particularly in:

  • Civil society organizations
  • Palestinian diplomatic bodies
  • Official sectors with a higher risk of corruption

Goal of Anti-Corruption Strategy

The PNA’s anti-corruption strategy aims to create a deterring legislative and institutional environment that reduces opportunities for corruption. To achieve this goal, the government plans to:

  • Strengthen measures required to prevent corruption crimes
  • Support agencies subject to the anti-corruption law in developing their own prevention programs
  • Enhance internal audit within these agencies

Enhancing Legislative Environment

The strategy also seeks to enhance the legislative environment by reviewing relevant laws regulating official institutions and persons subject to the anti-corruption law. Additionally, the PNA plans to:

  • Implement general codes of conduct for public employees
  • Finalize a legislative framework that supports transparency


While progress is being made, the fight against corruption in Palestine remains an ongoing challenge. The country’s leaders must continue to work together to address these challenges and create a more transparent and accountable government.