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Partners in Crime: A Closer Look at Suspicious Transactions and Business Relationships

In a bid to crack down on money laundering and terrorism financing, authorities have introduced strict regulations governing the reporting of suspicious transactions and business relationships. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of these regulations and explore the types of transactions that warrant closer scrutiny.

Who Must Report?

Under Article 5 of the law, specific entities, including:

  • Banks
  • Financial institutions
  • Lawyers
  • Accountants
  • Real estate agents
  • Other professionals

are required to report suspicious transactions or business relationships. These reporting entities must file a report with the Authorized Body, detailing the transaction or relationship in question.

What Constitutes a Suspicious Transaction?

According to Article 7 of the law, a transaction or business relationship is considered suspicious if it involves:

  • Proceeds from criminal activity
  • Terrorism
  • Terrorist organizations

This includes transactions that are intended to be used for or have been used for terrorism or by those who finance such activities. Additionally, reporting entities must consider recognizing a transaction or business relationship as suspicious if the circumstances of the case match certain criteria or typologies of suspicious transactions or business relationships, such as:

  • Unusual or complex financial structures
  • Links to high-risk countries or individuals

The Reporting Process

Reporting entities must file a report with the Authorized Body within a specified timeframe, detailing the transaction or relationship in question. The report should include information about:

  • Parties involved
  • Nature of the transaction or relationship
  • Relevant financial information

It is worth noting that reporting entities are prohibited from informing the person who is the subject of the report, as well as other individuals, about the fact that a report has been filed.


In conclusion, the regulation of suspicious transactions and business relationships is a crucial tool in the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing. By understanding:

  • Who must report
  • What constitutes a suspicious transaction
  • The reporting process

we can better appreciate the importance of these regulations and the role they play in protecting our financial system.

As always, it is essential for reporting entities to remain vigilant and proactive in identifying potential red flags, ensuring that our financial institutions are safe from criminal activity.