Financial Crime World

Title: Credit Card Fraud Prevention: Top Tips for Protecting Your Data in Hong Kong


  1. Guard your credit card: Keep your credit card in a secure place to shield it against theft and unauthorized use.
  2. Be cautious at ATMs: Watch out for potential onlookers when entering your PIN at Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) or other devices.
  3. Securely dispose of papers: Safely dispose of paper documents with credit card information by shredding or tearing into small pieces.
  4. Review statements: Regularly review all credit card receipts against your monthly statements to detect any unauthorized purchases.
  5. Promptly report suspicions: Notify your card issuer promptly if you suspect any transactions are unauthorized or if you don’t receive any correspondence.
  6. Choose reputable places: Use credit cards only at reputable establishments, and maintain visual contact with your card during transactions.
  7. Practice secure online transactions: Use trusted websites, check privacy and security policies, and verify encryption and secure storage methods before conducting online purchases.
  8. Log off after transactions: Always remember to log off after finishing online transactions.


  1. Keep your PIN safe: Avoid carrying your PIN with your credit card and never write it down.
  2. Avoid easily-guessed PINs: Don’t use PINs linked to your personal information.
  3. Don’t share credit card information: Refrain from sharing credit cards or related documents with others.
  4. Choose secure methods for new cards: Opt for alternate methods to receive new credit cards, such as collection from your local bank branch or card issuer’s head office.
  5. Don’t share personal details: Never disclose personal or credit card information to unsolicited callers; always verify their authenticity before sharing details.
  6. Avoid unsecured devices: Don’t input your PIN on any unsecured phone, computer, or machine aside from those meant for such transactions.
  7. Refuse PIN disclosure: Refuse any requests to disclose your PIN from unauthorized individuals or via e-mail.
  8. Avoid suspicious e-mails: Never click on suspicious email hyperlinks or “phishing” scams, as they can lead to the submission of your credit card data to fraudulent sites.

By following these simple guidelines, you can significantly minimize the risk of credit card fraud in Hong Kong. For more information on internet banking and safety measures, click here.