Financial Crime World

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A sense of impunity has taken hold in France, with many economic and financial crimes going unpunished due to the difficulties in detecting and prosecuting them. The lack of evidence often leads to acquittals, giving rise to a perception that “white collar” criminals are treated more leniently than others.

The French Criminal Justice System

The French criminal justice system is characterized by two speeds: one for simple, straightforward offenses and another for complex economic and financial crimes. The latter requires thorough investigations and expert testimony, leading to longer trials and higher rates of acquittal due to lack of evidence or procedural defects.

Perceived Impunity

This perceived impunity has sparked public concern, with many believing that economic and financial offenders are not held accountable for their actions. The fact that these individuals are often well-integrated into society means that prison sentences are rarely imposed, exacerbating the problem.

The Contractualization of Criminal Law

Moreover, some argue that the contractualization of criminal law has weakened penalties for large corporations committing economic and financial crimes. These companies may be tempted to pay a contingent fee to avoid trial, leaving small businesses and natural persons unprotected.

Lacking Punitive Damages

The current system also lacks punitive damages as a means of reparation, with only actual harm suffered being eligible for compensation. This shortfall must be addressed to restore public confidence in the criminal justice system.


  1. Alain Blanchot, “Infraction en matière économique et financière”, Poursuite, 2018, Paris.
  2. Chantal Cutajar, “Le volet répressif de la loi sur la lutte contre la fraude fiscale et la grande délinquance financière”, AJ pénal, 2013, Strasbourg.
  3. Evelyne Bonis-garçon, “Infraction en matière économique et financière”, 2014, Bordeaux.
  4. François-Xavier Dulin, “Le rôle du parquet dans le choix de la sanction des infractions économiques et financières”, AJ pénal, 2019, Paris.
  5. Jean Pradel and Jean Dallest, “La criminalité organisée: droit français, droit international et droit comparé”, LexisNexis, Paris, 2012
  6. Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, “La justice pénale face à la délinquance économique et financière”, Dalloz, 2001, Paris.
  7. “Nouveaux enjeux de la délinquance économique et financière”, Archives de politique criminelle N 39, A. Pedone, 2017, Paris.
  8. Tatiana Potaszkin, “L’éclatement de la procédure pénale; Vers un nouvel ordre procédural pénal”, Lextenso, Paris, 2014.


  1. Article L.228 of the Book of Tax Procedures
  2. Articles 705-1, 704, and 705 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
  3. Court of Cassation, Criminal Division, June 26, 2001, No. 00-86.526
  4. Constitutional Counsel, December 4, 2013, No. 2013-679 DC