Financial Crime World

Financial Inclusion and Crime Prevention in Belgium: A Multifaceted Approach


Crime prevention is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach. In Belgium, efforts to prevent crime are being strengthened through innovative strategies and the allocation of financial resources.

Effective Local Approaches to Crime Prevention

  • The “community policing” model has been successfully implemented in various regions of Belgium.
  • This approach enables close collaboration between law enforcement agencies, local authorities, businesses, associations, and citizens.
  • Early identification of potential problems leads to targeted solutions and reduced crime rates.

European Union’s Role in Crime Prevention

  • The EU plays a significant role in promoting crime prevention through initiatives such as anti-drugs policy, cybercrime, trafficking in human beings, and child pornography.
  • The EU facilitates exchanges of experience and best practices among member states to mitigate factors that encourage crime and recidivism.

Collaboration and Knowledge-Sharing

  • The European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) promotes collaboration and knowledge-sharing among local authorities, law enforcement agencies, and civil society organizations.
  • EUCPN’s website provides a rich database of national strategic orientations and projects undertaken in different areas of crime prevention.

Funding Mechanisms for Crime Prevention

  • The Programme for the Prevention of and Fight against Crime (ISEC) allocates action grants to support crime prevention activities.
  • Other financial instruments, such as the Daphne III Programme, the 7th Framework Research Programme, structural funds, and programs related to integration and education, are available to support crime prevention.

Administrative Approach to Preventing Organized Crime

  • The European Network on the Administrative Approach (ENAA) aims to develop and implement the administrative approach in EU member states.
  • This approach uses administrative tools, such as procedures for obtaining permits, tenders, and subsidies, to prevent organized crime infiltration of legal businesses and administrative infrastructure.


Belgium’s approach to financial inclusion and crime prevention is multifaceted and collaborative. Through the allocation of financial resources and innovative strategies, Belgium is making significant progress in addressing complex issues.