Croatia’s Approach to Cybersecurity: Strategies, Legislation, and Institutional Framework
The Republic of Croatia has taken proactive measures to safeguard its digital landscape through strategic and legislative initiatives aimed at tackling cybercrime.
Strategic Measures
In 2015, the government established the following cybersecurity structures to implement its strategies:
- National Cyber Security Council: This council is responsible for monitoring, discussing cybersecurity issues, proposing improvements, and issuing recommendations (Official Gazette No. 108/2015). Members include representatives from competent bodies.
- Operational and Technical Cyber Security Coordination Group: This panel monitors threats, issues reports, and proposes cyber crisis action plans (Official Gazette No. 108/2015).
Legal Framework
Croatian law is now aligned with the European Convention’s requirements, thanks to the 2013 enactment of the new Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes. Below are the statutes related to cybercrime:
- Criminal Code: Unauthorized access, computer fraud, and other forms of cybercrime are criminalized (Official Gazette Nos. 125/11, 144/12, 56/15, 61/15, 101/17, 118/18, 126/19).
- Telecommunications Act: Relevant to cybercrime investigations.
- Act on Responsibility of Legal Persons for Criminal Offenses: Applicable to cybercrime.
- Criminal Procedure Act: Contains procedural powers for cybercrime investigations.
Specialized Institutions
Specialized institutions dedicated to enhancing Croatia’s cybersecurity defenses include:
- Information Systems Security Bureau (ZSIS): A government agency that oversees the information security of Croatian government institutions (ZSIS CSI).
- Two Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs): CARNet and ZSIS CERT are responsible for responding to cybersecurity incidents and providing support to public and private sector organizations in Croatia.
International Cooperation
Effective international cooperation is crucial for addressing cybersecurity challenges:
- Ministry of Justice: Deals with extradition and mutual legal assistance requests related to cybercrime.
- Ministry of Interior’s Crime Intelligence Sector’s Cyber Security Department: Provides 24/7 contacts for cybersecurity-related inquiries.
Key Resources
For further understanding of Croatia’s approach to cybersecurity and cybercrime, refer to the following resources:
- National Cyber Security Strategy: Officially outlines the country’s strategic approach to cybersecurity.
- Summary of National Cyber Security Strategy and Action Plan: A condensed version of the national strategy and actions.
- Genval evaluation reports: Reports evaluating the country’s implementation of international cybersecurity commitments.