Financial Crime World

Customs Risk Management Policy: Risk Assessment and Mitigation


As part of the Customs Risk Management Policy (CRMP), a thorough risk assessment has been conducted to identify potential risks that may impact the effective implementation of the policy. This article outlines each risk, its likelihood of occurrence, proposed mitigation actions, responsible personnel, and estimated costs.

Risk 1: Smuggling


The smuggling of goods is a significant threat to customs revenue and national security.




Extreme (substantial financial losses and damage to national reputation)

Proposed Mitigation Actions

  • Conduct risk assessment of top 25 importers and target those with high levels of non-compliance
    • Cost: XX resources for RMU, additional staff for roving teams
  • Add staff to roving teams to enhance enforcement actions between ports

Responsible Personnel

Enforcement Unit - Mr. XXXXXX

Estimated Cost

Not estimated.

Risk 2: Non-Compliance by Importers


Failure of importers to comply with customs regulations and laws may lead to revenue losses and damage to national reputation.




High (revenue losses, damage to national reputation)

Proposed Mitigation Actions

  • Regular monitoring of importer compliance through documentary reviews and post-clearance audits
  • Identification and mitigation of compliance issues through regular risk assessments

Responsible Personnel

Customs Risk Management Committee

Estimated Cost

Not estimated.

Risk 3: Inadequate Training and Development


Insufficient training and development of staff may lead to inadequate implementation of customs policies and procedures.




Medium (revenue losses, damage to national reputation)

Proposed Mitigation Actions

  • Ongoing training and development of staff at all levels through regular workshops and seminars
  • Development of customized training programs for new staff members

Responsible Personnel

Human Resources Department

Estimated Cost

Not estimated.

Risk 4: Inadequate Risk Reporting


Failure to report risks may lead to inadequate management of customs-related risks.




Medium (revenue losses, damage to national reputation)

Proposed Mitigation Actions

  • Establishment of a risk reporting system to support management’s decision-making
  • Regular review and update of risk reports

Responsible Personnel

Customs Risk Management Committee

Estimated Cost

Not estimated.

Risk 5: Inadequate Monitoring and Review


Failure to monitor and review customs-related risks may lead to inadequate management of customs-related risks.




Medium (revenue losses, damage to national reputation)

Proposed Mitigation Actions

  • Regular monitoring and review of customs-related risks through regular risk assessments
  • Identification and mitigation of compliance issues through regular reviews

Responsible Personnel

Customs Risk Management Committee

Estimated Cost

Not estimated.


The Customs Risk Management Policy is a critical component of our customs administration system. The risk assessment outlined above identifies potential risks that may impact the effective implementation of this policy. By implementing the proposed mitigation actions, we can minimize the impact of these risks and ensure the integrity of our customs administration system.